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An instance of PlotGridConfiguration R6 class from {tlf} package is needed for creating a grid of multiple visualizations created using the {ospsuite} package.

The default attributes of the class are chosen to reflect the corporate standards adopted by esqLABS GmbH.




An instance of PlotGridConfiguration R6 class.

See also

Other create-plotting-configurations: createEsqlabsExportConfiguration(), createEsqlabsPlotConfiguration()


#> PlotGridConfiguration: 
#>    Plot grid annotations: NULL 
#>    	Title: NULL 
#>    	Subtitle: NULL 
#>    	Caption: NULL 
#>    Plot grid arrangement: NULL 
#>    	Number of plots included: 0 
#>    	Number of columns in the grid: NULL 
#>    	Number of rows in the grid: NULL 
#>    	Arranged in row-major order: NULL 
#>    Individual plot tags: NULL 
#>    	Tag level format: a 
#>    	Tag level prefix: NULL 
#>    	Tag level suffix: NULL 
#>    	Tag level separator: NULL