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Generates tornado plots to visualize the results of sensitivity analysis. Each plot shows the effect of modifying parameters by a specific scaling factor (parameterFactor) and its reciprocal on specific model outputs. This visualization helps to assess the impact of parameter changes on the results, highlighting the model's sensitivity to these parameters.


  outputPaths = NULL,
  parameterPaths = NULL,
  pkParameters = NULL,
  parameterFactor = 0.1,
  defaultPlotConfiguration = NULL



The SensitivityCalculation object returned by sensitivityCalculation().

outputPaths, parameterPaths, pkParameters

A single or a vector of the output path(s), parameter path(s), and PK parameters to be displayed, respectively. If NULL, all included paths and parameters present in the supplied SensitivityCalculation object will be displayed in the visualization. A separate plot will be generated for each output path. Each plot will contain a tornado plot panel for each PK parameter, and the sensitivities for each parameter will be displayed as lines.


Numeric; the scaling factor used to adjust parameters during sensitivity analysis used in the tornado plot. Both the parameterFactor and its reciprocal (1/parameterFactor) must be included in the variationRange specified in the sensitivityCalculation. Default is 0.1.


An object of class DefaultPlotConfiguration used to customize plot aesthetics.

Supported parameters include:

  • legendPosition: Position of the legend on the plot.

  • legendTitle: Title displayed for the legend.

  • linesColor: Color of the bar elements.

  • subtitle: Subtitle text for the plot.

  • title: Main title text for the plot.

  • titleSize: Font size of the plot title.

  • xLabel: Label text for the x-axis.

  • yLabel: Label text for the y-axis.

Default values are set to provide a standardized look, but each parameter can be tailored to fit specific visual needs. Modifying these parameters will directly affect the aesthetics of the output plots.


A patchwork object containing the combined ggplot objects if a single output path is specified, or a list of patchwork objects for multiple output paths.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
simPath <- system.file("extdata", "Aciclovir.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
simulation <- loadSimulation(simPath)
outputPaths <- "Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Aciclovir|Plasma (Peripheral Venous Blood)"
parameterPaths <- c(
  "Applications|IV 250mg 10min|Application_1|ProtocolSchemaItem|Dose",
  "Neighborhoods|Kidney_pls_Kidney_ur|Aciclovir|Glomerular Filtration-GFR|GFR fraction"

results <- sensitivityCalculation(
  simulation = simulation,
  outputPaths = outputPaths,
  parameterPaths = parameterPaths,
  variationRange = c(seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1), seq(2, 10, by = 1)),

# Print plots with default settings

# Print plots with specific parameter scaling factor
sensitivityTornadoPlot(results, parameterFactor = 0.5)

# Print plots with custom configuration settings
myPlotConfiguration <- createEsqlabsPlotConfiguration()
myPlotConfiguration$legendPosition <- "bottom"
myPlotConfiguration$subtitle <- "Custom settings"
sensitivityTornadoPlot(results, defaultPlotConfiguration = myPlotConfiguration)
} # }