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The esqlabsR packages comes with two Shiny apps: the Function Visualizer and the Unit Converter app. They are run by the commands startFunctionVisualizer() and startUnitConverter(), which will open a new window with a graphical user interface.

Function Visualizer

The Function Visualizer allows users to easily plot a chosen mathematical function for different parameter values and add any data points for comparison.

App settings on start-up The function can be entered in the Equation field. It must be defined according to R syntax and can include standard arithmetic operators -, +, *, /, %% and %/% as well as the functions exp, log, sin, exp, cos, tan, sqrt, floor, ceiling and the constant pi. After setting the function, the user must select the argument (the independent variable) in the Argument field and define (constant) values for each remaining parameter (either by slider or in the respective current input field). The curve for the current parameter settings can be permanently added to the output plot (Add snapshot button) to compare it to other parameter settings. You can zoom in on the plot by changing the axis limits.

Displaying curves for different parameter settings
Displaying curves for different parameter settings

Data points can be added to the graph in the Add single points to plot section below the plot, they will be displayed by + symbol in the output. Another option for adding multiple data points at once is by uploading data from a xls/xlsx file. The columns for the x and y values, as well as a label for the data to appear in the legend of the plot, can be chosen in a pop-up window.

Pop-up window for adding data from xls/xlsx files
Pop-up window for adding data from xls/xlsx files

Unit Converter

The Unit Converter app provides a graphical interface for use of the toUnit() function. First, choose the Dimension from the dropdown menu, then, choose the input and output units, and type in the value to be converted. The tool also allows to convert Concentration to Amount quantities, e. g. from mol/l to mg/l. For that, a molecular weight value in g/mol must be provided in the respective field. In all other cases, this field is deactivated.

Example input for the Unit Converter app
Example input for the Unit Converter app