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Plotting the simulation results is an important part of model diagnostics and quality control. Simulated modeling scenarios can be passed to plotting functions from the ospsuite package to create uniformly-looking plots. To get familiar with the DataCombined class used to store matching observed and simulated data, read the Working with DataCombined class article. The article Visualizations with DataCombined covers the basics on how to create supported plot types and how to customize them.

For the following examples, we will simulate an example scenario as described in Standard workflow and load the corresponding observed data as described in Data handling.

# Create a project configuration
projectConfiguration <- createDefaultProjectConfiguration()
# Create `ScenarioConfiguration` objects from excel files
scenarioConfigurations <- readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel(
  scenarioNames = "TestScenario",
  projectConfiguration = projectConfiguration
# Run scenario configuration
simulatedScenarios <- runScenarios(
  scenarioConfigurations = scenarioConfigurations,
  customParams = NULL, saveSimulationsToPKML = FALSE

# Load observed data
dataSheets <- "Laskin 1982.Group A"
observedData <- loadObservedData(projectConfiguration = projectConfiguration, sheets = dataSheets)

The simulation results are stored in a list returned by the runScenarios() function. Plotting and visualization is performed by storing these results along with matching observed data in a DataCombined object and passing it to plotting functions. Observed data in the form of DataSet objects are added to a DataCombined object via the addDataSets() function, simulated results can be added by using the addSimulationResults() function. Observed and simulated data can be linked by setting the groups argument in both methods. Data sets of the same group will then be plotted together when calling plotting functions on the DataCombined object.

Let’s create a DataCombined object and populate it with data with the following code:

dataCombined <- DataCombined$new()
dataCombined$addDataSets(observedData, names = "Observed", groups = "Aciclovir")
  names = "Simulated",
  groups = "Aciclovir"

Customization of the generated figures - specifying title, axes ranges, axes units, position of the legend, etc., are done through plot configurations - objects of the class DefaultPlotConfiguration. To combine multiple plots into a multi-panel figure, create a PlotGridConfiguration object, add plots to it, and plot with the plotGrid() method. Finally, to export a plot to a file (e.g., PNG or PDF), use an ExportConfiguration object.

To use configurations with similar look and feel in the different esqLABS projects, create the configurations using the following functions:

The next example shows how to create a multi-panel figure using the default configurations.

plotConfig <- createEsqlabsPlotConfiguration()
gridConfig <- createEsqlabsPlotGridConfiguration()
exportConfig <- createEsqlabsExportConfiguration(projectConfiguration)

plotConfig$title <- "Time profile"
indivPlot <- plotIndividualTimeProfile(dataCombined, defaultPlotConfiguration = plotConfig)

plotConfig$title <- "Observed-vs-simulated"
obsVsSimPlot <- plotObservedVsSimulated(dataCombined, defaultPlotConfiguration = plotConfig)

plotConfig$title <- "Res-vs-time"
resVsTimePlot <- plotResidualsVsTime(dataCombined, defaultPlotConfiguration = plotConfig)

plotConfig$title <- "Res-vs-simulated"
resVsSimPlot <- plotResidualsVsSimulated(dataCombined, defaultPlotConfiguration = plotConfig)

gridConfig$addPlots(list(indivPlot, obsVsSimPlot, resVsTimePlot, resVsSimPlot))
gridConfig$title <- "All aciclovir plots"
gridPlot <- plotGrid(gridConfig)
#> Warning: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_segment).
#> Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_segment).

To save the plot to a PNG file, make sure that fileName argument end with .png:

exportConfig$savePlot(gridPlot, fileName = "All plots.png")


  • At any time, you can check the groups assigned to the datasets in the DataCombined object by calling the DataCombined$groupMap or by examining the output of dataCombined$toDataFrame().

More detailed information on function signatures can be found in: