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Export steady-state to excel


  quantitiesPaths = NULL,
  resultsXLSPath = "",
  steadyStateTime = 1000,
  ignoreIfFormula = TRUE,
  stopIfNotFound = TRUE,
  lowerThreshold = 1e-15,
  simulationRunOptions = NULL



A Simulation object that will be updated with the steady state


List of quantity paths (molecules and/or parameters) for which the steady-state will be simulated. If NULL (default), all molecules and state variable parameters are considered. The same list is applied for all simulations.


Path to the xls-file where the results will be written to. If the file does not exist, a new file is created. If no path is provided, the file will be created in the same directory where the model file is located. The name of the file will be <SimulationFileName>_SS.


Simulation time (minutes). Must be long enough for system to reach a steady-state. 1000 by default. Either a single value (will be applied for all simulations), or a vector of values specific for each simulation. In latter case, must have equal size as simulations.


If TRUE (default), species and parameters with initial values defined by a formula are not included.


Boolean. If TRUE (default), an error is thrown when results for certain species were not generated. This may happen when due to numerical problems some values cannot be calculated, though the whole simulation converges. Setting this argument to FALSE allows to ignore such errors. Check the outputs for empty values when using this option.


Numerical value (in default unit of the output). Any steady-state values below this value are considered as numerical noise and replaced by 0. If lowerThreshold is NULL, no cut-off is applied. Default value is 1e-15.


Optional instance of a SimulationRunOptions used during the simulation run.


Simulates a given model to its steady-state and creates an Excel-file with the end values of molecules amounts in all containers and parameter values that have a right-hand-side (state variable parameters).